Step 1 Testimony Help
Everyone freaks out about the Step 1 Testimony, but it isn't that difficult. Many participants are so worried about not forgetting the 10 topics. Here is an easy way to remember them:
Lying Betrays Family, Friends and Others
Losing Control & Committing Crimes can be Painful to your health
Each of the 10 things are mentioned in those two phrases.
1. Lack Of Honesty in your life (lying)
2. Betrayal of others in your life (betrays)
3. Effect of your behaviors on family (family)
4. Effect of your behaviors on Friends (friends)
5. Effect of your behaviors on Others (others)
6. Did you have control over your drug use (losing control)
7. You are committed to honesty and following the rules of the program, stating your specific commitment (Committing)
8. Effect of your crimes on yourself and others (Crimes)
9. Were you seeking pleasure or avoiding pain (Painful)
10. Effects of your behaviors on your health (health)
The best way to prepare, is to write it all down, and read it during the week. You can even practice with an upper phase participant.